Photo of me

David Rei

Biomedical Engineer, PhD Student

Orsay, FR



  • French - Native language
  • English - Fluent (C1)
  • Czech - Basic communication

Work Experience

PhD Student / LISN, Orsay, FR

Sep 2019 - Present day

I am working on the subject "Human-Machine Interactions Adapted to the Personality of Users: Application of Motivation to Physical Activity". This project is funded by a government scholarship.

For more info: Research Page on The Exploptimist.

LISN Homepage: LISN

Research Engineer / LISN (formerly known as LIMSI), Orsay, FR

Jan 2019 - Aug 2019

Personalized, interactive, dynamic and mobile coaching for behavioral change. State of the art in several fields: human-computer interactions, adaptive interactions, persuasive technologies, psychology (RFT, SDT, motivation).

LISN Homepage: LISN

Research Intern / IBISC Laboratory, Evry, FR

Mar 2018 - Sep 2018

Therapeutic games are popular tools for stroke rehabilitation. They aim to keep patients engaged in a heavy recovery program through training that is less annoying to follow. I took part in proposing a method to automatically adapt the difficulty of exercises for post-stroke rehabilitation games, which was then implemented in a pronation-supination exercise built on a runner-like game.

IBISC Homepage: IBISC Lab

Software Engineer / EMA Hemadialyse, Aix-en-Provence, FR

Feb 2016 - Jul 2017

I worked on several projects, all focused on the field EMA is working in: the management of patients' files in dialysis and nephrology.

  • Modules "Active Directory" and "Transplantation" for Hemadialyse (4D, PHP, Javascript)
  • "UWAP" project (Python, PHP, Javascript, 4D), project begun during my internship

EMA Homepage: E.M.A. Hemadialyse

Research Intern / Charles University, Prague, CZ

May 2015 - Jul 2015

The main mission was to improve a device used in multitask training for patients suffering from brain damage – memory loss and/or balance trouble. Creating more exercises was a subsequent part of this mission, and some rules of creation had to be followed. By the end of the internship, there were thirty-five newly-created exercises performed in five different kinds of environment. This work is already used by patients and therapists in trainings.

Link to my work: VR Rehabilitation Multitask Training


Research Master Degree -- RVSI

2017 - 2018

Master degree, E3A mention (electric energy, electronics, automation), specialized in RVSI (Réalité Virtuelle et Systèmes Intelligents), or VRSS in English: Virtual Reality and Smart Systems. Ranked 1st/24.

Covered subjects: multisource data processing, multimodal and collaborative interactions, 3D monitoring and augmented reality, interfaces for mixed reality (Unity3D projects, C#), humanoid animation techniques (3DSMax).

The objective of this master's course is the mastery of these disciplines and their integration.

M2 RVSI Homepage: Master 2 RVSI

Always learning

Currently improving Android.

Already got certificates of achievement in the following fields: Javascript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, PHP/MySQL, UE4, Git/GitHub, Bootstrap, Java and Android.

OpenClassrooms Homepage:

Polytech Marseille

2013 - 2016

Biomedical Engineering (Master Degree)

This course trains engineers as specialists in high technology systems and facilities destined for hospitals, health care organisations and health care professionals. With regard to the purely technical part of the course, the emphasis is on instrumentation (physics, electronics, computing, signal processing), with additional courses in chemistry, biology, physiology, biomechanics, etc., which provide an essential basis for an understanding of the very extensive field of biomedical engineering ('from scanner to scalpel').

Link: Presentation of specialities

School Homepage: Polytech Marseille